So I have been neglecting this blog for the past few months now. Not necessarily because I don't want to blog anymore, just that I've kind of been tied up with other things.
Bring on the list of excuses: First of all, when I realized that the quality of my content wasn't as good as I wanted it to be, I started pouring back over my writing books and reviewed the basics and tips. Then, I got caught up with work and doing side jobs to make extra money. Also, since the holidays started, I got immersed in decorating and holiday crafting projects. Crafting is my other favorite hobby. So, you see, life just kind of got in the way for me so the blog became a lower and lower priority and got neglected.
BUT, I am trying to turn that back around. Writing is my passion and my emotional release. This is truly what I want to do, even though crafting comes at a very close second. Crafting is a great outlet too and it is one that has relatively quick gratification when I complete a project, and even in the midst of a project as I complete each step. But I am trying to find more of a balance. I love my crafting but I don't want to keep putting my writing on the back burner.
I have discovered that I don't do well with strict schedules but I will try to give myself more of a guideline to where I still have time for all my hobbies plus the rest of my daily life. Maybe giving myself time limits? That might help me get more of a balance. But I also have to remember to not be as strict about it or I won't follow them. I'll just have to figure out a simple yet relatively flexible routine that I can follow.
Either way, I hope to post more regularly again, though it will not be daily as I have stated in a previous post. Much love!