Saturday, July 22, 2017


I get so attached to people sometimes. I miss people very easily and quickly. If I don't see someone for a few days, I start to miss them. Sometimes I get used to it, sometimes I don't, and it generally depends on who it is that I'm missing. If it's the person that I'm dating, I miss him within a day. Friends I usually miss after a few days to a couple of weeks depending on how regularly I normally see them. Family is the same. 
After a few weeks of not seeing someone, it starts to feel normal. I start to get used to missing them so I tend to "get used to it". But I never actually stop missing them completely. Am I the only one? I feel like I tend to miss people before they have a chance to really miss me. I feel like I'm always the one missing people and that they can so easily forget me and are easily used to not seeing me. I know that this isn't necessarily true but sometimes it can feel that way. This is why I feel like I'm too clingy or needy. Like I'm overly emotional. But again, I know this isn't necessarily true and that I'm not the only one. 
I mean, I do enjoy being alone and a lot of the times I prefer it. A lot of the time I NEED to be alone because I get so drained from being around people that I need that solitude to recharge. I get very particular about who I spend my time with when I feel drained. I know I'm not alone in these sentiments. But sometimes it's nice to let it out :)

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