Thursday, June 8, 2017

Go For It

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Isn't it funny how time makes such a difference? I'm 28 years old and I just now finally decided to go after my dream. I wish I would have started sooner but one advantage to the fact that I am a little older is that I now have a little more experience. I have lived more life and hence have learned more about myself and the world around me. I know, cliche again. But it's true. And now I can use that knowledge and experience to my advantage.

I used to believe that everything happens for a reason and while I no longer believe that I can say that most things in life are the result of the choices we make. Some things are out of our control but we can choose how we let them affect us. Now I'm starting to sound preachy. I promise I don't mean to preach. I guess I've just been reflecting on things lately.

But there are so many songs, movies, books that tell us to go for our dreams. That if we work hard and persevere, we can accomplish anything. One thing that they forget to mention a lot of the time is that to truly reach our full potentials, we have to be willing to ask for help. That's the thing that I've struggled with the most my whole life. I'm a very proud and stubborn person and it bites me in the ass more often than not. But I'm working on swallowing my pride and not digging my heels in so much. Easier said than done though. Lol.

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