Saturday, June 10, 2017

The Truth is Hard to Hear

You know what really blows? The fact that money makes the world go 'round. It doesn't matter what you do, if you don't have money, you have nothing. And I can't seem to accept this harsh reality. Which is probably why I struggle so much when it comes to money. You see, I would love to make a living off of my writing, but I'm not trying to get rich off of it. I write because I have words I want to express. It would just be a dream to be able to make money off of it as well because then I could live off of doing what I love. I could actually enjoy the grind. But alas, I must still try to hustle and make a living one way or another, even if it means doing something that I don't enjoy. But one thing will be different this time: I'm NOT going to sacrifice what I love just so I can make a living. I will still do what I love in my free time. I will continue to write everyday, even if it's just a little bit. Even if it's just a quick blurb like this one to vent out my frustrations or even just to check in. Because writing, to me, is one of the only things that keeps me sane. It's one of the only things that makes anything feel worthwhile. And I refuse to give that up. I refuse to become a slave to the man and become a mindless drone that only works to get paid and nothing else. I refuse to let money take away my happiness. 

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